Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Music Is My Therapy

The kind people over at praiseforwallflower.com are featuring TSF. Check it out here and leave a comment.

In youtube news, this week’s video is the song "M.I.M.T." from the Hello ep. It is about, very simply, the therapeutic nature of music. I wrote this song in my college dorm in Pittsburgh about 6 years ago when I was going through a tough time. I just thought, “It’s my way of getting through things. Music is my therapy.”

There’s something primal and soothing about a melodic voice, the vibrations of strings, rhythmic percussions…

What is your therapy? What about it calms you?

Check out our house dog, Indiana Jones, laying in the grass behind me.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Don't forget your history

Today is the 98th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. It is the 2nd worst workplace disaster in New York City history. Out of this tragedy came new legislation which required improved safety standards and helped strengthen workers' unions, particularly for women, which fought for safer and better conditions for sweatshop workers. As a result of the fire, the American Society of Safety Engineers was founded in New York City on October 11, 1911. The Asch building (where the factory was located) survived the fire and was named a National Historic Landmark in 1991. The building is now a part of New York University.

We study history to appreciate the struggles that those before us had to endure and to hopefully learn from the mistakes that were made. Although it seems that too often we repeat mistakes, making it seem as though we forgot our history. How do we break this cycle? How do we realize when we are running in circles and when we are making real progress?

Don't forget your history. Know your destiny. In the abundance of water only the fool is thirsty - Bob Marley

Friday, March 20, 2009

The First Day of Spring

Today is the Vernal Equinox. The day of the year when the sun crosses directly over the Earth’s equator, making the lengths of day and night equal. Equinox means equal night and this movement in March gives way to the spring season.

I love spring. All of the sensual growing inspires me in the most profound ways. In celebration, I have posted “Earth (To Humans)” on the TSF myspace music player. The essence of this song is echoed in the last line – “I want to watch life grow.”

When you go outside, listen for the birds singing in the trees. Look for the colors sprouting and petals opening. Inhale the hyacinths and daffodils. Admire the rebirth.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.


Thursday, January 29, 2009


I slip my fingers through the handle and cup the hot ceramic. My hand burns when I hold on too long. Give it time. Let it cool. I bring my nose to the lip. Steam makes my eyes tear and dampens my face. Citrus from the lemon clings to the steam and rises. I place both my hands on either side of the mug and cross my thumbs. It’s as if I am praying. Everything slows down around me. I take a sip with a loud slurp and the tea burns my tongue. This is the process of coming to know the warmth of patience.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Empty Booth

The clean silverware is delicately wrapped in its cloth napkin. The sugar packets grind against the splenda, push to the edges of dispenser. There are no spills to sop, no stains to scrub, no tips to collect, no customers to neglect. No gloves forgotten on the green cushion booth. No eggs frying in the kitchen or ice tumbling from the fountain. You can smell the coffee, simmering stale. A fire gasses by the tables. Not but one to warm their toes and fingers. The booth is empty. Place mats and menus set.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Crisp petals peel away, let the stem breathe. Globs of sap cling to the tips, hope for the sun to make them drip or a finger to break open the sticky spice. The piney smell touches my nostrils when I bring my fingers to my nose. It feels like a mild glue, only natural, tastes like a tree. This bud, lain upon a bed of dry needles, is seen when I look down at where my feet trample. I crushed several before I found this rigid flower. The brown shade is deep toward the center, like wet earth. The petals look like leaves, arching toward light, opening the aroma of winter, spice, life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Camera. Lots of photos to come.

Weekly Videos

Visit the TSF youtube channel to watch weekly videos of live acoustic original and cover songs. -Trevor